On 12th, June, the EU-U.S. event on intermediaries in cyber-security awareness raising will take place in Brussels. The aim of the event is to get all potential intermediaries together to exchange experiences both from U.S. and EU side.
This event has been organised as part of the EU-U.S. Working Group on
Cyber-security and Cyber-Crime expert sub-group on Awareness raising.
For whom?
Attendance is open for intermediaries for awareness raising on cyber/Internet security: Member State administrations, regional and local government, academia/education, citizen's organisations, Internet service providers, technology equipment and software providers, social media, retailers, etc.
Registration is finished. Q&A: [email protected] and [email protected]
TYPE: INTRANET /INTERNET(open to everybody)
Note: The sessions will be published the day of the event. Please also notice that due to system restrictions the live transmission will be available only with a Windows + Internet Explorer configuration.
The aim of the event is to get intermediaries to exchange experiences both from U.S. and EU side (note the ENISA Internet Security Week pilots with a number of Member States planned for later this year on cyber/Internet security awareness for the general public, thus not safety of children for instance, which is covered by a separate initiative.
For more information click here.